Fender GRIP Hand and Finger Exerciser (Medium - 5lbs / 2.3kg) – Best Ergonomic Finger Strengthener to improve play on all stringed instruments (Guitar, Bass, Violin, etc.)

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Brand: Fender

Color: White


  • FENDER – The World’s Best Musical Instrument Manufacturer has teamed with the World’s Best Finger Exerciser to bring Musicians the best licensed product to Strengthen Fingers and Hands while improving Control and Stamina
  • SOFT FINGER CAPS – The only Finger Exerciser with Soft Non-Allergen Rubber Finger Caps that feel Great and keep your Fingers in place
  • CERTIFIED HAND THERAPISTS - Ergonomically designed under the supervision of Certified Hand Therapists to maximize comfort and effectiveness
  • IMPROVE GRIP FOR ALL MUSICIANS – Faster, Stronger, and better Control for all Musicians no matter what age and what instrument. Great for Limbering your fingers before practice or the big gig
  • CHOICE OF LEVEL - Three different resistant levels available. WHITE 5-Lbs, RED 7-Lbs, and BLACK 9-Lbs.
  • HAND THERAPY - Finger and Hand Exercisers are used by Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, and Certified Hand Therapists in Physiotherapy. These professional find Hand and Finger Exercisers useful in recovery from Wrist and Hand injuries as well as those suffering with such issues as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

model number: 891922002278

Part Number: 891922002278

Details: If it is not comfortable, you will not use it. That is the premise behind the new, ergonomically designed Fender Grip.
Produced by a team consisting of Certified Hand Therapists, MIT Engineers, and Designers (27 years experience producing Hand and Finger exercise products), we have succeeded in producing the most comfortable and ergonomic hand and finger exerciser on the market.
Who needs a Finger Exerciser?
One of the top reason why Musicians stop playing is lack of finger strength. The Fender GRIP is great for just about every Musician who wants to improve their grip, strengthen their hand and fingers, improve endurance and coordination, or increase their finger control and mobility. Hand and Finger Exercisers are used by almost every musician at all levels of experience.
Available Strengths:
White - Medium (5-lbs)
Red - Hard (7-lbs)
Black - Xtra-Hard (9-lbs)
What Strength is Right for Me?
We are asked often what difficulty strength to purchase. This is very subjective. About 90% of the finger exercisers sold are 5-lbs or 7-lbs. The Black 9-lbs is very hard. Much will depend on how you plan to use the finger exerciser. If you are looking to build finger strength, then buy something that would be difficult to begin with. If you are looking to improve control or to use for limbering your fingers before practice or a gig, then purchase a strength that is not as challenging

EAN: 0891922002278

Package Dimensions: 5.9 x 4.4 x 1.3 inches

$ 19.99
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